Mass Schedule

First Eucharist & Reconciliation Enrollment Form Is available.

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Parish Information

Church: 26 Thorn Ave, Orchard Park, NY 14127
Office: 43 Argyle Place, Orchard Park, NY 14127
Business Office:
(716) 662-9339
Faith Formation Office: (716) 662-2169
School Office: (716) 662-7572

Facilities Requests
Mike King: 662-9339 x117

Lackawana Food Pantry Mission


We serve a hot dinner on the fourth Monday of the month.

What time?  Volunteers should arrive between 3 and 4pm; we are usually finished up by 6:30.  Come for the whole time or just a portion of it.

What do will I do? Prep food for dinner, serve, clean up, visit with the guests.

Where is it?  75 Caldwell, Lackawana (off of Ridge)

Do I need to sign up in advance or can I just show up to help? You can just show up – we will be so happy to see you!

If you have any questions, contact Melissa at mpotzler@nativityschool.net or 662-9339 x145.