Mass Schedule

First Eucharist & Reconciliation Enrollment Form Is available.

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Parish Information

Church: 26 Thorn Ave, Orchard Park, NY 14127
Office: 43 Argyle Place, Orchard Park, NY 14127
Business Office:
(716) 662-9339
Faith Formation Office: (716) 662-2169
School Office: (716) 662-7572

Facilities Requests
Mike King: 662-9339 x117

St. Gianna Molla Pregnancy Outreach Needs

We are in the process of rotating the winter and summer clothing and taking inventory of our needs.

In the meantime, the following items are in VERY LOW SUPPLY.
1. diapers
2. baby wash and lotion
3. wipes
5. bibs
6. onesies
7. receiving blankets
8. bins, clean used or new (about 18 gallon size).

I know they are not as exciting to shop for compared to sweet little outfits, but these basic items are so important for the care
of the babies!

Items can be placed in the wooden bins at the foot of the crucifix in the narthex of the church. Also, items such as strollers, pack n plays, walkers, etc are always welcome. We ask that you please clean and prepare the items for immediate use as there are no laundry facilities or space to clean items at the center.

If you have any questions, please call Melissa at 662-9339 ext 145 or email mpotzler@nativityschool.net.