ALL EVENTS HAVE BEEN CANCELED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Join us every Monday evening in the dining room at 43 Argyle (near the Adoration Chapel) for Lectio Divina beginning at 7pm. We will explore the Gospel readings for the following Sunday.
Parish Information
Church: 26 Thorn Ave, Orchard Park, NY 14127
Office: 43 Argyle Place, Orchard Park, NY 14127
Business Office: (716) 662-9339
Faith Formation Office: (716) 662-2169
School Office: (716) 662-7572
Facilities Requests
Mike King: 662-9339 x117
News & Events
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Join Ms. Mary at our 9am Mass every Sunday for Children's Liturgy of the Word. The children will experience the same readings and rituals as the larger parish assembly, but use a special children's lectionary with a homily experience geared for their age group.
St. Gianna Molla Pregnancy Outreach Needs
We are in the process of rotating the winter and summer clothing and taking inventory of our needs. In the meantime, the following items are in VERY LOW SUPPLY. 1. diapers 2. baby wash and lotion 3. wipes 4.bottles 5. bibs 6. onesies 7. receiving blankets 8. bins,...
Lackawana Food Pantry Mission
CANCELED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE We serve a hot dinner on the fourth Monday of the month. What time? Volunteers should arrive between 3 and 4pm; we are usually finished up by 6:30. Come for the whole time or just a portion of it. What do will I do? Prep food for...
St. Vincent DePaul Mission
ST. VINCENT DE PAUL ALL MEETINGS CANCELED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Nativity’s SVDP conference has teamed with Habitat for Humanity to help build and restore houses in our area. Volunteers are always needed. St. Vincent de Paul is always in need of volunteers who can visit...
St. Gianna Molla Mission
ST GIANNA MOLLA PREGNANCY CENTER » Our parish collects new and gently used items to aid in the center's efforts. Donated items can be placed in the wooden collection bins found under the large crucifix in the narthex. The center is the pastoral Outreach of the Office...
Haiti Mission
WNY HAITI CONNECTION » Nativity and St. George’s Haiti Committee work in partnership in numerous ways to provide livestock, school tuition, water purification, medical supplies, etc for our twin parish. We are twinned with our sisters and brothers in Haiti in the...